Climate Neutral. Now.

Our pioneering Climate Neutral certification + Bonterra Beyond Clean™ commitment ensure we’ve taken the full measure of our carbon footprint—from ground to glass, published it publicly for all to see, and committed to taking accountability, now.

As America’s leading organic winery, anything less is not an option.

In the midst of a climate crisis, taking responsibility for our emissions is not just a nice-to-have, but a must. That’s why in 2021, Bonterra became the world’s first organically farmed, Climate Neutral Certified wine, rigorously measuring the entirety of our impact, then purchasing ethical, nature-based carbon credits to offset our remaining emissions.

This is just the beginning. We’ve published plans to reduce our footprint, and pledge to offset less over time as we work toward true carbon independence. It won’t be easy—but doing what’s right rarely is.


Why Go
Climate Neutral?

The Earth is in trouble and can’t wait for perfect solutions, so we need to hold ourselves accountable now for the impact we make. That’s why the vision that brought us to Climate Neutral and our Bonterra Beyond Clean™ commitment is as urgent and essential as it is aspirational: to make delicious wines that help heal the earth with every vintage shared.

Businesses of all kinds have a responsibility to take meaningful steps in reversing the climate crisis, and at Bonterra this means publishing our progress in reducing our impact, setting science-based targets to align with global reduction goals, advocating lawmakers for systemic change beyond our doors, and being radically frank with you about our progress.

As a world, we’re running out of time to change course, decarbonize our way of life, and preserve our planet—learn more below about how we’re doing our part.


*Collected from publicly available sources, carbon footprints for everyday items are not meant to be representative of an entire product category.

*Collected from publicly available sources, carbon footprints for everyday items are not meant to be representative of an entire product category.

Bonterra Beyond:
Commitment in Action

Here’s how our Climate Neutral certification ensures the climate footprint for every glass of Bonterra is accounted for.







Speak Up


Getting Real:
Acting Now Matters


We’re in Good Company

Climate Neutral is a nonprofit and trusted third-party verifier working to create a low-carbon economy. They offer an easy-to-understand blueprint for a growing roster of responsible brands to measure, track, and offset their emissions, and to commit to concrete plans to do better. When you encounter a brand like Bonterra that is Climate Neutral Certified, you can be confident the brand is third-party-verified for taking full responsibility for its carbon inventory, and has made realistic commitments to continual improvement.

The Movement is Growing

We are proud to count ourselves among a growing number of brands helping to model the transition to a low-carbon economy and deliver the climate responsibility you expect. Looking ahead, we commit to continuing to reduce our carbon impact while investing in worthwhile projects that reduce the world’s carbon output and help heal the earth.

Certified, Trusted, True

At Bonterra, we are proud to craft the first nationally available Climate Neutral Certified wines. In showing others the true makeup of our carbon pollution, our hope is to inspire others to take a look at where they, too, can take action to reduce and offset—and go beyond.

Learn more about our brand commitments and legacy of responsible leadership at Bonterra, including our pacesetting Beyond Clean™ Standards that show how ours is purity you can trust—both inside and outside the glass.

Our CommitmentsBeyond Clean™ StandardsShop Now

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